
Welcome to the Dillon Valley Metro District Website

There is a minor water leak in the neighborhood that the District's Operations Team is aware of and addressing. There may be intermittent water disruptions. We will update this website as information becomes available. 


The Dillon Valley District has provided drinking water to roughly 3,000 residents in the Dillon Valley area since 1968. Your water is treated utilizing multiple steps to remove and disinfect any bacteria that meets the strict State and Federal drinking water standards, ensuring your water is safe for consumption. Our staff continuously monitors the water supply to serve our customers in the Dillon Valley community. 

Administration: For general District information, billing questions, and building sign-offs, contact:

Angelique Justich, District Administrator


PO BOX 3428

Dillon, CO 80435



Emergency Service: For water system emergencies such as water leaks or water supply issues, or for sewer system issues, please call Water Solution, Inc. 

Water Solutions, Inc

Office Line: 970-262-0217

24/7 Emergency Line: 970-389-9882


The next regular meeting of the Board of Directors will be February 20th, 2025.